lundi 2 février 2009

Installing TinyOS-1.x TinyOS-2.x

I. Installation of tinyOS. No previous version is installed

The easiest way is by using the linux live cd:

after installing you can update following these instructions:
Upgrade Feisty to Gutsy:
$sudo sed -i 's/feisty/gutsy/' /etc/apt/sources.list
$sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

II. Upgrading tinyOS installation

There are numerous collaboration works using TOS 1.x.
The following configuration steps are recommended in order to have a update version of TinyOS 1.1 (updated libraries and all capabilities for programming MICAZ motes).
To install the TinyOS CVS tree from sourceforge, assuming you have already
installed the TinyOS 1.1 distribution, do the following:

1. Backup your previous tinyos1.1 directory (if not, do nothing)
2. $ rpm -e tinyos
3. Check tinyos out from the sourceforge CVS repository:
$ cvs login
(you must ENTER when the password is demanded)
$cvs -z3 co tinyos-1.x

4. Don't forget to change the permission of tinyos-1.x directory:
sudo chmod -R g+rw tinyos-1.x/

5.- For compiling and installing the tinyOS 1.1 tools:
$sudo make install

6. As usual, compile the java code:
cd $TOSROOT/tools/java

III. Installation of SDK (development tools for tinyOS)
Download to the Desktop
$cd $HOME/Desktop/
$chmod +x java_app_platform_sdk-5_07-linux.bin
when installation program is executed choice /opt/SDK as installing directory

IV. Compile TinyOS tools
$cd /opt/tinyos-1.x/tools/java
$make clean
$make all

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